Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Episode 3: Gardenia Cabins

  Last time Chrystal was caught up in a love triangle, Kivak found out he's a dead man walking, and Winnie and Rose were experiencing a rough patch in their marriage.

  Now on with the show----

  Today's episode begins with Alicia heaving her guts out---not a good sign.

  Thea decided she has sat in the shadows long enough, and she bravely marches up to Winnie, and flirts with him, right in front of his wife...and Winnie accepts it!  Turns out he could use a few compliments after that last disaster between he and his wife.

  Rose turns away, and pretends not to care, and why should she?  He was being a jerk to her earlier!


  Rose turns back and looks at Winnie; he looks at her.  They stare at each other for a few minutes, they don't even notice when JenniferW enters the room, they are so intent on each other.

  Rose: *tentatively*  Want some flowers?

  Winnie: Yes!  Thank you. *sniffs flowers*  I love them!


  While no one knows exactly what set them off, (since neither Winnie nor Rose are talking), just like that, everything is back to normal between them.

  Nellas finds an sympathetic ear in Alicia.

  Nellas: There is no privacy at all in these cabins!  How am I ever going to get any sleep with all the noise, noise, noise going on, twenty four hours a day?

  Alicia: I agree, it sucks.  We need more walls.

  While the flirt with Winnie didn't turn out exactly the way Thea had imagined it would, it had given her new confidence---to flirt with Nick!  They meet in the middle in the night, outside in the rain, where they are unlikely to be seen.

 Nick is no fool, he senses that Chrystal's heart is divided, maybe he would have better luck with Thea?  Until he knew for sure, he would hedge his bets, and keep things with Thea on the down low.


  Rumors swirl around that Alicia is expecting Nathaniel's baby, after all, everyone did hear about THAT little mishap, but Alicia is not saying for sure one way or the other, and Nathaniel hasn't even acknowledged the question.

  Alicia doesn't care about any of that silly nonsense, the baby is hers, and that's all that matters.  She only has one thing on her mind:

  Alicia:  FOOD!  STARVING!!

  She better not have multiples!


  Downstairs in the kitchen---

  Nellas: *claps*  Oh, this looks yummy!  I'm so hungry!  Doesn't this look good Nathaniel?


  Nathaniel:  I am so tired of you inviting me over for lunch, and then trying to poison me with salad!  No worse than that, there's not even one measly poisoned leaf on this plate---it's empty!!

  Nellas: Oh yes, isn't it fabulous?  I was reading this forum on my phone last night, and they had some great weight loss tips, this one was number three on their list.

  Nathaniel: Of things to do, or of things not to do?!

  Nellas: *scratches head*  Hmmm, I really can't remember.

  Nathaniel: *beep, blankity blank,  beep*/censored  You're trying to kill me!


   Nellas:  Oh no, really I'm not!  I'm just looking out for your health, see?  You look at this empty plate with flies swarming over it, and you just don't feel like eating anything!  It's a win/win!  *stands up*  Oh dear, suddenly I am not feeling very well at all.  *turns green and covers mouth with hand*  I think I'm going to puke.  See how well this works Nathaniel?

  Nathaniel: *runs from room*  Help!  She's trying to kill me!

  *aide comes running in, and whispers in producers ear*  What?!  Noooo----are you serious?!  *follows aide*  Cameras, follow me!  We've got a huge development going on over here!  Quick, quick, are you guys filming yet?  Good, good...

  Chrystal:  ARRGH!  THIS HURTS!


  How the heck did we miss the fact that she's pregnant?!  Someone ought to be fired for this!

  Aide: But..but..but---the clothes she wore--she didn't look pregnant!

  Details, shmetails!  At least we didn't miss out on the labor and birth!

  Nathaniel: *panics*

  Kivak: *joins Nathaniel*  Why are we jumping up and down, and waving our arms around?

  Nathaniel: Because I am about to become a father!

  Kivak: *panics*  You're going to be a father?!

  Nathaniel:  Oh shhh---/censored

  Chrystal: Would you two yahoos just go away?  This is hard enough without you guys carrying on---I'm the one in labor!  Not you!

   Nellas: Labor stinks!  I don't want to go through that!

  It's a...boy?!  Welcome Don Nirar to the show! *claps hands*  Though *whispers* I'm personally not fond of the name Don, couldn't SP have picked out a better one?


  Aaaand---welcome Rhiannon, Elisha, and Sunny.  *faints*


  Chrystal---I swear---quads!  *shakes head*  Quads.  You...quads!  Okay people, we need a new cabin for these kids, and some cribs, so that they're not laying all over on the cold floor.  Quads!  Un-freaking-believable.  We need lots of cribs, Alicia is going to have her kid any day now.  Come on, move it people!  Stop cooing over the babies!  Are we sure the one in the blue blanket is a girl?  Elisha?  *checks*  Yep, girl named Elisha.  Pink blanket is a boy? *checks*  Yep, definitely a boy.  Quads!

I don't feel sorry for you, not one little bit! 


  Utter chaos. *pulls hair out*


  Ahem, ignore the turbolift.  Hey!  If the Professor on Gilligan's Island could have lie detectors, rocket fuel, and hot hair balloons---we can have a turbolifts.  Desperate times and measures and all that jazz.

  Nathaniel:  You are one hot mama, wanna go watch the stars with me?

  Chrystal:  So...tired, but, what the heck---


  Rose:  Ack!  Alicia what are you doing?

  Alicia:  What does it look like I'm doing?  I'm having a baby!

  Rose:  How should I know?  I've never had a baby before!


  Welcome Nickolas Illad to the show.  *claps*


    Oh, for the...Wolfie, what have you done??

  Wolfie: Hey everybody, Kivak and I are expecting a baby!


  *cries* Not you too!

  Rose: I'm pregnant!


  You better not be pregnant!!!



  Blueberry: *slaps Lisa*  Take that!

  Lisa: Oh yeah?  *slaps Blueberry*  Take that!


  Jenn: *pulls up in pickup and lays on the horn*  Move it dumba*ses!  *honks horn again*  Get the *&^%@ off the road!

  Tessa and Spence: *ignore Jenn and continues to talk about weather*


  Jenn: *flips them off and zooms around them*  Freaking idiots!

  Spence:  Tessa, you are looking really good today.

  Tessa: *blushes* Why thank you Spence.


  Meanwhile---across the street---


  More trouble is brewing---


  Back at the cabins---Doren found the photobooth (hush--totally legit!!)----


  Unfortunately, she wasn't the first to discover it--what was heard/seen can never be unheard/unseen!


  Doren starts a bonfire in an attempt to burn the images and sounds from her head.


  Let's hope it works for her!

  Everyone takes off to attend a protest about clowns.


  Except for Michael---who protests against the law that requires pants---


  Alicia: Pretty lights!


  Hmmm, I don't remember if I still have that Equal Opportunity Alien pregnancy mod thingy installed.

  Alicia:  What does that mean?!

  Nothing---have a nice trip dear.

  Alicia:  HELP!!!


  While Alicia is visiting with the aliens from outerspace, Wolfie goes into labor, and has a boy, Oscar.  Really, what is with these boy names?

  Welcome to the show Oscar Blu! *claps*


  Alicia comes home exhausted.

  Alicia: *yawns*


  Had a good time, did we?

  Alicia: Shut up.

   Nick: Thea, you are positively glowing!

  Thea: *shyly* How nice of you to say so Nick...


  Positively---nice---oh no, don't say it---

  Thea: *continues* Because I'm pregnant with your baby!

  Nick: *grins*  Really?

  Thea: *smiles happily*  Really!




  What is going on with Lisa and Blueberry?
  Are Tessa and Spence having an affair?
  What is going on with Chrystal/Nathaniel/Nick/Thea?
  What about ALL THOSE BABIES???
  Will the Producer ever come out of hiding?


  Producer's Notes: So many babies!!! O.o  I really had no idea that Chrystal was pregnant until she was giving birth---and then she dared to have quads!  Her clothes hid her condition, and I really wasn't paying too much attention to her, obviously, lol

  Babies/toddlers are selectable, so I can keep an eye on them, once they age up to children, they'll be made unselectable and their portraits won't appear---just like their parents.

  This is the last update in Gardenia House for 2 simweeks--next update takes place in the Rhododendron cabins.  I have to say I'm glad I'm able to bail on this household for a while, by the time I get back, most of those kids should be children, lol  Unless SP is mean to me---


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