Saturday, December 13, 2014

Episode 1: Gardenia Cabins

  Gardenia Cabins:

  Nellas; *cries*  We lost all our money! Oh money!  Oh money!  Whatever will I do without you?



Nathaniel takes a moment to survey all that was accomplished, and he is pleased.


  Alicia starts flirting with Nick.


  Chrystal and Rose catch up on the latest gossip.

  Chrystal:  Did you hear that Lisa and Spence have already gotten divorced?

  Rose:  No?  Really?

  Chrystal: *nods*  Yep, and Spence already has a new girlfriend, Kay Bee!

  Rose: *gasps*  I don't believe it!!


Producer Note:  I am tremendously happy at how well they are all mingling.  The previous world/houses they barely interacted at all, there was a lot of route fails, broken doors, it was a mess.  So this:


  Makes me happy!!!  And now back to the show---

  Chrystal: *stares*

  Psst, Chrystal, say something!  You're being awkward.

  Chrystal: Duh---Something.


  Nathaniel: *chuckles*

  Alicia:  Who is the best cook in the world?  Oh yeah, you know it, it's me.

  You only made a salad.

  Alicia:  Hey, I make a mean Autumn Salad, and that takes skillz.

  Sure it does...


  Jennifer doesn't let the lack of a bonfire stop her from telling campfire stories.

  Jennifer W:  ...and then they all died because they ate the poisoned salad!


  Kivak:  See Wolfie!  I told you rabbit food is bad for you!

  Wolfie:  Hush Kivak, I think she's getting to the good part.

  Kivak:  The good part?!  They all died!

  Chrystal:  Oh no!  I had salad for lunch!

  Nathaniel: Unbelievable! 


  JenniferW:  What I love most about art is...

  Nathaniel: *yawns* 


  Nathaniel:  I thought you were going to tell another good story, not talk about a bunch of useless garbage like art!

  JenniferW: *sighs heavily*


  Winnie:  Hey Jennifer, I like art!  In fact, I'm a photographer by trade.

  JenniferW:  Really?

  Winnie:  Yeah!  In fact...


  Later on----

  JenniferW: *yells*  Well, what makes you the master of the simplanet?  Huh?  What?!

  Nathaniel: You're crazy, do you know that?!  Not only am I a best selling author of books, I also authored many of the Mods that keeps this planet stable!

  Alicia:  Hmmm, Nathaniel's pretty cute.  I think I'd like to get to know him a little better...


    Rose:  I can't believe he got so upset over art.  How interesting.  Did you know that my Winnie is a photographer?

  JenniferW: *mumbles with food in mouth*  He mentioned it.


  Nellas managed to pull a book out of thin air.  (There are no bookcases on the lot!)

  Nellas: *modestly*  It's a talent of mine.


  Kivak decides to barbecue---in the rain.

  Kivak: *boasts*  I am the King of the Grill!


  When along came a Jennifer, that stood beside him...

  JenniferW:  Hi.  You look really sexy cooking those hotdogs.

  Kivak: *smirks*  Well, thank you.

  JenniferW: You have elevated barbecuing hotdogs to an art form!  I love art!  How about you?  Do you love art?  Is that why you cooked up some hot dogs?

  Kivak:  Well, no, actually, it's because I'm starving.

  JenniferW: *brightens up*  Oh, I hear you!  A starving artist!  You poor thing! Let's sit down, and you can tell me all about it.

  Kivak:  Uh...okay.  *sits on ground with Jennifer*

  Jennifer: *holds hand*  It's so hard sometimes, you know, when people just don't understand!

  Kivak:  I'm not so sure my wife would approve of you holding my hand.


    JenniferW:  Oh gosh!  I don't really mean anything by it!  I'm just comforting you...a little.  Whew!  It's starting to get really warm out here, don't you think?  *giggles*  Maybe it's just you, you're the Hot Cook.  *fans self*  Well, I think you're pretty hot.  *giggles again*  Oh dear, did I say that out loud?

  Kivak: *blushes*  Er, thanks.  *shyly*  You're not so bad yourself.


    JenniferW: *squeaks*  Kivak!  That's my a*s you're squeezing, not my hand!  Did you do that on purpose?  *flutters eyelashes*  I hope so.

  Kivak: Is my wife around?  *looks*  I don't see her, yeah, I did that on purpose.  Rwwwrr!


  Rose: *runs*  Fire!  Fire!  Fire!  Oh! *stops*  Raindrop!  Yummy!


  That's it for this episode, thanks for tuning in!

  Will Wolfie find out about Kivak and Jennifer?

  Will Nellas find more money for her beloved black market books?

  Will Chrystal ever be able to say something besides something to Nathaniel?

  Will Rose ever remember that she was supposed to put out a fire?

  Stay tuned, and maybe next time we'll find out the answers to these questions and more!

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