Saturday, December 13, 2014

And it Begins...

  They should have known better, really.  A three hour cruise should have tipped them off.  Free should have tipped them off...


  Nathaniel quickly took charge of things though; once he ascertained that yes, they were indeed stuck on an island in the middle of nowhere, and no, no help would be forthcoming any time soon.  Like.  Never.

  He rounded up the crew, and split them into 3 groups, then they all worked together to build some basic cabins with the raw materials they had at hand.    It took them most of their summer, sweating in the hot sun, but they managed to build reasonable shelters that would keep them warm and dry in the winter.

  Now all they had to do was survive living together in such close quarters...should be easy peasy...right?  They were all friends...right?


  Nathaniel knew that with such a large group, he would need help managing them, and he decided Lisa Crazy would make a terrific second in command.  Why?  Well, you had to be crazy to want to be second in command---she was a perfect fit.



  How did an ice cream truck end up on a deserted island? *mysterious music*   It is puzzling indeed, but it makes as much sense as anything else in this story will; the story called---The Days of Our Sims...

  *dun dun duhhhn* 

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